First Step in dissertation writing
Find first on the Internet at your local literature database to get both the quickest overview of the literature on your topic as well as the availability of these litterateurs in your environment.
Second Step in dissertation writing
Print out all literature search results, of which you think they might have to do with your subject even in the slightest. The text-based nature of all information on paper, not on electronic media. The human eye can screen text read only a third as fast as text on paper. When you start to save paper, you will not get far. No double-sided printouts! If you later want to organize your literature fund, otherwise you might still have a citation on the back of your hand, you may now want elsewhere / need
Third Step in dissertation writing
The disillusionment. Search now from all this literature – to still only the title, so “dry” on the computer – those tracks you actually have the libraries in your area also. Forget the interlibrary loan largely – at least at the level of a thesis. It will cost per book is still at least two weeks waiting time and the time you are running out! Take the literature that you can actually get to you within an acceptable radius immediately.
Fourth Step in dissertation writing
Now, go into that library, of which you know or believe that this is best suited for your discipline and your theme. After all author names and book titles in the literature, databases will develop a significant proportion, but not yet all literature on your topic. A small (fictional) example: Karl Hugo, “To love life of beetles.” What is the main theme of this book? Love life? June bugs. Behavioural observations on insects? It is the biochemical processes on 7 DNA gene – and no love life or bug. They come out only when you hold this book in your hand and have at least read the synopsis. Nevertheless, that is your topic: The biochemical processes on 7 DNA gene of insects.
Fifth Step in dissertation writing
You can rent everything now, what you can get.
Sixth Step in dissertation writing
You now have two two-meter high impact books lying on the floor of your home space. Take any book in your hand, you can read any synopsis and if you believe this or that book is important for your topic. The introduction and conclusion Sort out strictly. Make a literary hierarchy. Find your sole ledger.